Showing posts with label Web Programing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Programing. Show all posts

Basic HTML+CSS Learning Part-2 (Document Start)

Hi everybody, how are you all? I am good. My first post was 
Basic HTML+CSS Learning Part-1 (Basic start). After one month I start now part-2. Now we learn how to start a html document and what element or tag are common in html.

HTML means Hyper Text Markup Language. Its use to markup a document and CSS means Cascade Style Sheet. It uses to design html “id” and “class”. HTML and CSS are needed for basic and advance web design.

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Responsive mobile menu (Source code and Demo)

Hi everybody, how are you? I am very happy. Now I offer you a beautiful responsive navigation menu. You can use it on your wordpress and other website. 

Every website need to responsive because most of the visitors are came from mobile devise. So we need to design our website perfect for mobile and all other devise and browser. 

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HTML5 all tags and its Description

Hi Everybody, How are you? I am well in this morning. Now I am writing about HTML5 all tags and its description. Html5 is a new version of html4. Html5 has some new tags and some owner quality.
Every web designer/developer needs to know html5 and its use. Now most of the website template are made html5 document. You can use html5 tags, if you know html4 first. You can see my older article about All HTML Tags and Its Description to flow html4 tags.

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Basic HTML+CSS Learning Part-1 (Basic start)

Today we learn basic HTML and CSS. I try to write serily part to part. So follow every part and comment your problem.
If you want to learn web design, you will need to learn first.
1. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

First you need to saw all extensions on your computer. Go to Control Panel>All control panel items>Folder Options>View and remove the Hide extensions for known file types. Saw the picture, if you are not understand.

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All HTML Tags and Its Description

Now I try to write All HTML Tags and its Description. If you want learn web design and web programming, you will need to know HTML with CSS. All web programming codes are depend on HTML CSS. My firs article, I was try to write why and howto learn HTML. Now write all HTML tags. I write here same as W3Schools.Com You can learn more and more on this website.

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Why you learn and How to learn web programing(HTML)

It's my first article on my blog. Now i try to write about web programing that is needed to build a website. Every person are like to stay with internet world. WWW stands for World Wide Web are build billions of website that are made millions of web design and developer. Are you know the First Domain and Website name?? It's  you can visite now and see.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Html is only a markup language, not a programing language. Html have now 8 version HTML(1991), HTML+(1993), HTML2.0(1995), HTML3.2(1997), HTML4.01(1999), XHTML(2000), HTML5(2012).

A markup language is a set of markup tags and tags describe document content. Every web language or programing has there own code style. Html code style is </>.

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