Add Disqus comment system on your Blogger and Wordpress site.

Hi everybody, how are you? I am well. Today I write how to add most popular comment system "Disqus" on your website. It can easily set up your blogger and wordprss site.  I also set this blogger site.

Every people easily comment your website by login there facebook, twitter, google plus and disqus account.

Disqus, pronounced "discuss", is a service and tool for web comments and discussions. Disqus makes commenting easier and more interactive, while connecting websites and commenters across a thriving discussion community.


Download Disqus plagin from wordpress plagin directory and active this plagin.

Now create a disqus account for your wordpress site. Go to this LINK and click "Get disqus for your site". Now fill up sign up form and correct all the step.


You can create a disqus account for your Blogger site same as wordpress. Go to this LINK and click "Get disqus for your site"Now fill up sign up form and correct all the step.

Now choose platform here you add your disqus comment system.

You can choose your Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, Sudarespace, Typepad, Movabletype, Durpal, Joomla and Universal code.

Select your platform. If you select/click "Blogger" them you get a option "Add blogger to my blogger site", click this and you redirect to your blogger widget for add this comment system. You must be log in your blogger dashboard. 


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